Monday, July 7, 2008

What the M !

A week back I started my executive MBA at IIML and the inaugural ceremony of the programme itself provoked me (better say forced me) to start a new blog, fully dedicated to my experiences with MBA (and of course with IIMs and their pedagogy). The moment when i heard in IIML director's Inaugural speech that the sole aim of this course is to enhance your decision making power, i decided to start this blog....:P.

Here the intended audiences are not the future managers and MBA students but solely those poor folks who stumbled upon this page in search of something useful (for this i am planning to take advantages of the loopholes in Google search algorithm, i have studied that and I know there are some ;), to increase the page rank of my blog dramatically and to included this page in search result even when someone searches for "enough is enough!I want to die"........)and land here.

Question: "What the M!" means?
Answer: Even in crunch and heated situation , when every thing goes wrong,a Manager has to keep his cool and remain calm. So instead of saying What the F(it shows indecency) , he should say "What the M!".


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